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Windows XP File Structure Tutorial

Windows XP File Structure Tutorial

In the Windows XP File Structure tutorial we will cover how to view files in different ways, organizing and moving files, and creating new folders.
Understanding how to view your files and when they are located is very important. I have run into so many occasions where clients are just not able to find data they create.
Lets start by setting up our file window to make it easier to find the information we are looking for.
Double click on My Computer. When the My Computer Window opens click on tools then folder optionsMy Computer, Tools, Folder Options

The Folder Options window will open.

Folder Options Window
In the general tab under the Browse Folders section make sure the Open each folder in the same window is selected. If you choose to open each folder in another window you things can get cluttered very quickly.
In the next section, Click items as follows, you can select to single or double click to open your folders and files. If you have trouble with double clicking this is a great option to allow you to open your folders with a single click.
Click on the View tab.
Folder Options View Tab
In the View tab click the check box next to Display the full path in the address bar. Then click Apply to all folders.
This will display every folder in the address bar that you had to browse through to get to the location of the file you are looking for.
When you are finished click OK to close the window.
To view the change click on My Documents then click on any folder in your My documents folder. Notice in the address bar you have the full path name of the folder you selected. It will look something like this. C:\Documents and Settings\Jennifer\My Documents\My Music
Many times when you are looking at pictues you would like to see a little preview before you open the picture. Click on the folder you keep your photos in. Then click on the Views icon. You will see a drop down menu with your options. Filmstrip will give you a preview of the folder at the top and a horizontal list of the folders at the bottom. Thumbnails will give you a large folder with 4 pictures displayed in the the folder or a small preview of the picture if it is not in a folder. Titles is a medium sized icon of the folder with the folder name next to it. Icons is a smaller version of Titles. List is just that a list of the folders and files. Details gives you the Name of the folder, size of the file, type of file, and the date the file was modified. Views
Usually with a picture file I like to use either the Thumbnails or Filmstrip option. All of my other folders I use the list option.
Stay in the My Documents Picture folder for the next feature.
Click on the Folders Icon to the left of the Views icon.
Folders Button
Notice the left panel changed from the Other places options to a list of folders in the current folder. This can be very useful if you have a lot of folders inside one another.
To change it back simply click the Folders button again.
Now we will move onto moving files. There are 2 ways you can move a file to another location.
  1. Right click on a file or folder and a menu appears select either copy if you want the folder to remain in the current location and you want another copy somewhere else or cut if you want to remove the folder from the current location and move it to another folder. (Be careful with the cut. I don't want you to loose a folder) Now browse to the folder you want to move the file to and right click any where in the open window and click paste. Depending on how big the file is it may take a minute.
    You can also use the keyboard commands. Press CTRL and C for copy, CTRL and X for cut, and CTRL and V for paste.
  2. Open another window next to the window you currently have open. You will have one window on top of another. Make sure they don't overlap completely. Click on the folder or file you would like to move and drag it to the other window. This will work like a cut. The file will be removed from the current folder and be moved to the new location.
Last topic for Windows XP file structure, creating a new folder. There are 2 ways to create a new folder also.
  1. In your My Documents Window click on File and new to open a menu.
    Create New Folder
    When the menu opens click folder. A new folder will appear in the window with "New Folder highlighted for you to type a new name for the folder. Once you have typed a new name press enter.

  2. Right click any where in your open window and click on New then click Folder
    Create New Folder
    Your folder will appear at the bottom of your file list for you to rename.
That ends the Windows XP File Structure Tutorial. Click on one of the links below to return to the home page or try another tutorial.