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Facebook Addiction Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Facebook Addiction Disorder Symptoms and Treatment – Go Get a Life!

Facebook! A revolution, addiction and disorder. Recently Facebook has reached the 1 Billion users mark. You might think, who cares! But let me tell you my friend, even you are a part of that addiction. Well, may it be good or bad, 1 billion is a very big number. Let me ask you something, have you ever tried to question what’s happening? Have you ever tried to know how addicted you are? No surprise if you say NO. Millions of people are not aware of being a victim of Facebook Addiction Disorder, shortly F.A.D. This article will talk about a lot of facts, May it be the symptoms of Facebook addiction, or finding the right treatment to get out of this Facebook addiction disorder. You will have a clear cut picture by the end of this article. And cheers for you, if you are here to get out of that Facebook addiction disorder.

Facebook Addiction Disorder What is Facebook Addiction Disorder?

So what is this Facebook Addiction Disorder? Are you ready to accept the fact that you are addicted to something? Do you want to test yourself? Wait wait, there is little time to proceed further. But first, you have to know what are the main symptoms of Facebook addiction. According  to a recent survey, few psychologists and researchers have found a strange disorder in people who use Facebook. Surprisingly, more than half of them don’t know that they are addicted to these social networking trap. There are people who spend more than 19 hours on social networking sites, without doing anything else. If you are one among those people, who stay more than 10 hours on social networking sites, I have bad news for you.  You have to accept the sad truth that, even 10 hours is way too much for being on a social networking site. Don’t you think so? and I am being very specific about Facebook, as we are taking about Facebook Addiction Disorder. So even if i say social networking, it means I am only taking about Facebook as of now.
Facebook Addiction Disorder Recently, our team has done some research to find out really addicted people on Facebook. Good that if you working in a business where social networking and Facebook is a must. But what about  people who don’t have nothing to do with their business or work, are they not using too much of Facebook? Are they restricting themselves for not being online for more than 10 hours a day? Sadly the answer is very disappointing. People who are working with Facebook, or under Facebook are using it for a limited time. Whereas people who have nothing to do with Facebook in their job or businesses, are spending more than 16 hours a day on it. If you are one among them, then take this test to find whether you are in Facebook addiction disorder state.

Symptoms for Facebook Addiction Disorder:

Below are few symptoms of being a Facebook addict. I would like you to take a small test on Facebook addiction disorder. You have to just read the following symptoms, and rate yourself using the below scale.
a) Very rarely, b) Rarely, c) Sometimes, d) Often, and e) Very often.
  1. You are extremely angry when you can’t open your Facebook account, or keep protecting your Facebook account from being banned.
  2. You cannot tolerate if there is a power cut or no Internet connection.
  3. You fight with people who restrict your Facebook access .
  4. You reduce the time spending on things you loved to do. Eg: Sports, talking to friends, watching t.v, hanging out with friends and etc.
  5. You wont spend much time with your family.
  6. You like virtual dates, where you like to replace a real date with online date. Which means, instead of going out for dinner, you will tell your partner to meet online at a certain time.
  7. If 8 out of your 10 friends are strangers, then this is a serious FAD case.
  8. When you meet new people, you say your name followed by “I’ll talk to you on Facebook” , “I’ll see you in Facebook” or “What’s your Facebook ID?”
  9. You keep on refreshing the pages for notifications and messages. May it be a comment on your picture, or a friend might write something on your wall.
  10. You keep your important work/studies aside, finding a reason to use Facebook. May it be a lunch break, tea break, or any other small break.
  11. When you have access to Internet on mobile, you will open Facebook atleast twice or more.
  12. You tend to have a argument with your partner to change their relationship status to married, in relationship from single.
  13. You always love to add people. It doesn’t matter if you know them or not, you just want to increase your friends list.
  14. You stalk people all day without any reason.
  15. You like to check your profile more than 3 times a day.  May it be the bed time, or early morning.
  16. You update your status more than 3 times a day. You will make sure the whole world knows what you are currently doing.
  17. You will upload a picture as soon as you click it.
  18. You share your sorrow, good moments in Facebook.
  19. If you have a problem, you won’t face it. You just put it in on Facebook.
  20. You want everyone to like and comment on your pictures, statuses. If someone likes your pictures, statuses daily, they are your good friends.
  21. You keep chatting on Facebook with some or the other person all day.
  22. You like to check previous messages, picture comments, status comments often.
  23. You search for other online dating websites, forums to meet new people.
  24. You are in almost every group in your community.
  25. You keep changing your profile picture, cover page often.
If any of the 10 symptoms are true in your case, and your scale is within  d) Often, and e) Very often, then you need to proceed further to prevent this addiction. Find out the given necessary precautions to be prevent yourself from Facebook addition disorder.
Facebook Addiction Disorder

Treatments to prevent Facebook Addiction Disorder: 

No need to panic if you are FAD victim. We got you some good treatments to get rid of FAD. It’s just that you need to implement them in right time and right way. Following are a few tips to get out of Facebook addiction disorder.
  1. Admit that you have a problem, and you are coming out of it. Just click that on hard button LOGOUT.
  2. Keep a log of your Facebook usage, and Record the daily time you spent on Facebook. Make sure to reduce at least 20mins each day.
  3. Change your password to some random name, and write it down on a paper to hide it. Take out the paper only when you have some urgent work on Facebook. Try to avoid it as much as you can.
  4. Make sure that you are not using “Remember me on this computer” option.
  5. Use Internet Explorer 7.0 or old to open Facebook. (I know it’s funny, but works well  :P)
  6. Try to spend more time on learning something new.
  7. Deactivate Facebook mobile updates and go out to enjoy your life.
  8. Remove unlimited internet usage from your mobile phones.
  9. Uninstall any applications like Facebook or Facebook chat from your mobile phones.
  10. Talk with real people and enjoy the time with them.
  11. If you still unable to get rid of Facebook, you should seek  professional help for cognitive behavioral therapy (effective for treating impulse disorders).
  12. Turn off the email notification system if you logged out of Facebook. Else the repeated email notifications will disturb your concentration.
  13. Never play Facebook games when you are idle or have free time.
  14. Hide unwanted News feed in Facebook. Its not a rule that you have to see every random thing which comes on the Facebook wall. Choose your interests and accept only those feeds.
  15. Make one day per week a “Facebook Free” day.
  16. Use a good Facebook antivirus to make sure your data is protected. If you give someone the access to know your data, you might give them a chance to bully you.
  17. Make a list of things you wanted to do if their is no Facebook access. And start doing them once you make it.
  18. Download free applications like iFreeFace to block Facebook access.
  19. Reduce the number of shares/statuses you do on Facebook.
  20. Don’t add strangers who send you friend requests.
  21. Stop tracking who ignored your Facebook friend request.
  22. Know the value of life, talk to beautiful girls/boys of your age group.
  23. Talk to your friends on mobile phone if far, or talk to friends live if they stay close to your place. But never go online to chat silly things.
  24. Get out of unwanted groups and communities which you are in.
  25. Stop updating your statuses from mobile devices or tablets.
  26. Lock your wall to restrict others to post something. If there is really something interesting, they can message you, or call and tell you what’s happening.
  27. Remove one friend a day if you added strangers and unwanted people in your account.
  28. If you are unable to control using Facebook, then deactivate your account for few days, and join some interesting stuff like music, dance, swimming, etc.
  29. Pay your internet bill monthly, and keep yourself busy in doing other things. Usually some people pay half yearly, annually. this will make you to use Internet as many days as you payed for.
These are few powerful techniques to prevent yourself from Facebook. Apart from these techniques, you can also join some communities like SMAA (Social media addicts association) where you can find people just like you. Sharing your problems with these kind of communities will help you to restrict yourself from Facebook or any other social media networking sites. I hope you all enjoy your beautiful life with real people. Please drop us a line on what you think about this article on Facebook addition disorder. Also please share your problems with us. We will try to sort them out. And don’t worry if you are  little addicted to Facebook. We all are like that, so don’t worry and be happy!