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Facebook shared albums allow multiple users to upload photo

Facebook shared albums allow multiple users to upload photo

Facebook has unearthed a new feature that lets multiple users contribute to a single photo album. The creator of the album can choose to add up to 50 contributors who can each upload up to 200 photos of their own to the album. If granted permission from the album creator, contributors can then invite others to the album as well.
Each shared photo album will come with three different privacy options: public, friends or contributors and friends only. Software engineer at Facebook Bob Baldwin said this will allow the album creator to control access to the group’s images. Additionally, the creator has the power to delete or modify all photos in the album while each contributor can edit the images they have uploaded.
Baldwin is responsible for leading the project alongside colleague Fred Zhao. The idea came about during one of Facebook’s company-wide hackathon sessions where employees set aside daily work and come up with new ideas, features and projects for the social network.
One good example where it would be ideal to use a shared album would be for a party. As Baldwin explains, if you were at a party now and there were three different albums created, you might not be able to see all the photos due to privacy settings which can be confusing and frustrating.
The feature is initially rolling out to a small group of English-speaking users before expanding internationally. We are told the feature is not available for Page albums, however.

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