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Browsing privately

Browsing privately

Chances are you're already familiar with your favorite Internet browser. You might use it to make purchases online, fill out forms, or even research personal interests. However, while you're surfing the Web you may not realize that it's possible your online activity is being seen by others. This is because your browser automatically saves a record of your browsing history, and many websites have the ability to track what you click on.
Screenshot of Chrome
In this lesson, we'll talk about two options you can enable to increase privacy while browsing: private browsing and Do Not Track.

Private browsing

Photo of a computer lab
You may be wondering why you would need to browse in private. You could choose this option when you're shopping for a gift, researching a sensitive subject (like a personal medical topic), or using a public computer (like at a library). Basically, it makes sense to enable private browsing anytime you want to keep your browsing history confidential.

Understanding private browsing

Private browsing only prevents your Internet browser from saving your browsing history. This means anyone else who uses your computer will not be able to see your online activity. Unfortunately, it doesn't guarantee security—your activity can still be tracked by websites. We'll talk more about tracking later in this lesson.

Turning on private browsing

Private browsing is available for most Internet browsers. Here, we'll show you how to enable private browsing in Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari (for Mac computers).
  • Internet Explorer: Click the gear icon Gear icon. Hover the mouse over Safety, then select InPrivate Browsing from the menu that appears.
    Screenshot of Internet Explorer
  • Chrome: Click the Menu button, then select New incognito window.
    Screenshot of Chrome
  • Firefox: Click the Firefox button, then select Start Private Browsing.
    Screenshot of Firefox
  • Safari: Click the Safari menu, then select Private Browsing.
    Screenshot of OS X Mountain Lion

    Do Not Track

    Photo of woman using computer
    In case you weren't aware, websites have the ability to track what you click on. This is usually done to deliver targeted ads to you, but it can also be used for collecting data and making a site run smoother. Currently, browsers let you choose not to participate in this system by offering a Do Not Track option.

    Understanding Do Not Track

    Do Not Track asks each website you visit to not track your activities. It is similar to the national Do Not Call list. However, website participation in Do Not Track is voluntary, so some of the websites you visit may not honor the request. To learn more about how your browsing activity is tracked, visit our Internet Safety lesson on Staying Safe While Browsing.

    Turning on Do Not Track

    Internet browsers generally place the Do Not Track option in the Privacy settings. By default, most browsers have this feature turned off. You will need to open your browser's privacy settings to enable it.
    In Internet Explorer, the Do Not Track option is located in the Safety menu.
    1. Click the Enable button.Screenshot of Internet Explorer
    2. Click the gear icon Gear icon. Hover the mouse over Safety, then select Tracking Protection from the menu that appears.
      Screenshot of Internet Explorer
    3. The Manage Add-ons dialog box will appear. Click Tracking Protection, then click Your Personalized List.
      Screenshot of Internet Explorer
    4. The status of Your Personalized List will change to Enabled. Do Not Track is now on.
    5. Click Close to return to Internet Explorer.
      Screenshot of Internet Explorer

    Enabling Do Not Track in other browsers

    To view instructions for how to enable Do Not Track in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, follow the links below:
    Older versions of browsers may not support the Do Not Track option. You may need to update your browser to the most recent version.