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Almost everybody who find themselves in this present age like to be on the facebook social network. I know that even you, reading this post of mine is registered on facebook. Almost every minute, people update their facebook status performing so many fascinating tricks with text.

You see some of them, write text upside down, update facebook status to show 'via blackberry', 'via Iphone', and via any device of choice using just an ordinary internet enabled mobile phone, one outstanding trick of all the fascinating tricks is writing or posting on your status with blue text. Which is what I actually want to teach you now.

I know you have several friends who do this always but are never ready to share the trick with you. It makes them feel like a star when you keep begining them to teach you. Don't mind them, I'm going to explain it to you in a just few instructional steps, but you might still be wondering that what is this guy saying and may not understand me, now see an example of what I mean.

You can see how the title of the post "a phone conversation" was written in blue text.
Now take your pen and let me tip you on the trick. Ready? Go!

  • Type out the content of the status you want to post on your facebook wall

  • when you are done with the typing, go to the beginning of the area where you want to write in blue

  • type or paste this code "@[1: ]@@[1:[0:1:" before the section you want to indicate in blue (without the quote because I know you're a copy cat and may also copy the quote)

  • move to the area where you want the blue text to stop and paste "]]"

    Now here is an example, you can copy and paste it on your wall to test how it works...

    "Now I know how to write in @[1: ]@@[1:[0:1:blue text]] nobody can brag that with me again"

    That's just the trick! It's nothing more than that.

    Do you like the post? Why not share it with your friends, they will appreciate you for it. Remember, I shared it with you.

    Always check back for more tips and tricks as this blog is always updated on regular basis. Got things to say? Feel free to post your comments.Widget on